Storyscope produces story circle events on various themes as well as the annual People's State of the Union during January/February.
Anyone is welcome to join our roster of volunteer story circle facilitators. We have completed our trainings for the fall, but if you are interested in joining us just register and we will contact you when the next training sessions are scheduled.
If you have completed our training sessions and would like to volunteer at our story circle events for the fall, please sign up for the dates and roles you are able to fulfill.
Storyscope roles include:
Facilitator - Lead the story circle
Assistant - Help with set up and information
Archivist - Capture the event with photography, video or other archival options
Artist - Perform at the event in relation to the theme
Ambassador - Share the work of Storyscope to your networks and communities
Coach - Be a resource for interested participants
Help people share their personal stories

Want to create a more just and vibrant world? Join a roster of volunteer story circle facilitators.
Register for upcoming training sessions to become a facilitator of story circles!
Use your code to sign up as a facilitator or other role at a story circle event if you have completed our training.
Not able to attending a training session, but interested in volunteering in other roles? Please email us.